Posts Carousel WordPress Block

Post Carousel WordPress Block allows you to list or grid posts that are automatically sourced from your site.

Controls outside, three columns, small spacing


ROTATOR CUFF TEAR Dr V K Pandey Kalyani knee & shoulder Clinic What is Rotator cuff? Rotator cuff is a hood formed over the ball […]

Arthroscopic Repair of Recurrent Dislocation of Shoulder

Dr V K Pandey Kalyani knee & shoulder Clinic The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body. Such mobility is possible because […]

Do’s & Don’ts for patient with Patello-Femoral pain

Kalyani knee & shoulder clinic Dr V K Pandey Do’s & Don’ts for patient with Patello-Femoral pain Do’s: Use knee support or tapping, as advised. […]

Patient information Series ACL Rehabilitation Protocol

Kalyani knee & shoulder clinic Patient information Series ACL Rehabilitation Protocol The following is your expected progress of your recovery after ACL reconstruction: Hospitalization: 2 […]

Surgical treatment of ACL deficient knee

Kalyani knee & shoulder clinic Surgical treatment of ACL deficient knee Dr V K Pandey What is ACL? ACL is short name for a ligament […]

Arrows inside, dots hidden, two columns, large spacing, slideshow enabled


ROTATOR CUFF TEAR Dr V K Pandey Kalyani knee & shoulder Clinic What is Rotator cuff? Rotator cuff is a hood formed over the ball […]

Arthroscopic Repair of Recurrent Dislocation of Shoulder

Dr V K Pandey Kalyani knee & shoulder Clinic The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body. Such mobility is possible because […]

Do’s & Don’ts for patient with Patello-Femoral pain

Kalyani knee & shoulder clinic Dr V K Pandey Do’s & Don’ts for patient with Patello-Femoral pain Do’s: Use knee support or tapping, as advised. […]

Patient information Series ACL Rehabilitation Protocol

Kalyani knee & shoulder clinic Patient information Series ACL Rehabilitation Protocol The following is your expected progress of your recovery after ACL reconstruction: Hospitalization: 2 […]

Surgical treatment of ACL deficient knee

Kalyani knee & shoulder clinic Surgical treatment of ACL deficient knee Dr V K Pandey What is ACL? ACL is short name for a ligament […]